This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to General Conference from Salt Lake City. Twice a year, in April and October member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints get the opportunity to hear the leaders of our church speak. All these talks are just wonderful and mean something to the members. A lot of the time while listening to the talks it seems like they are speaking directly to you. I know personally I have had numerous questions or problems taken care of from listening to these men speak. Sometimes it's one of those AHA moments. I am very grateful to have these opportunities to hear these talks and try and put them to work in my own life. Last October is when I heard the talk by our Prophet, President Monson speak about having Gratitude for things. Which in turn came about this Attitude of Gratitude blog each week. No matter how things might be going in our lives we can always find something to be grateful for. Yes sometimes it seems we might have to dig really deep to find something but everyone can.

My church publishes a magazine each month called Ensign. There are a lot of wonderful words of wisdom in these publications. The May and November issue have all the conference talks in them from the previous month. Even though you might listen to the talks, reading them helps in remembering things you might have missed and you also have a hard copy to refer back to.
I am very grateful for the gospel and the joy it has brought into my life. Each of us have our own way of bringing religion/beliefs into our lives. And you make it work to the best of your own ability. There are so many religions/beliefs out there and everyone has the right to choose which they want to believe or not believe in. No one can answer but ourselves how we chose to do this or not and NO ONE s

hould put you down or condemn you for whatever you chose. We have freedom of religion in the United States. So whatever you believe do it with your head held high. I know I do.
The pictures I have posted on here are the Salt Lake City, Utah Temple, Washington DC Temple, SLC Temple reflecting pool with image of temple in it and the DC Temple reflecting pool with the temple image in it.

I have been to the DC Temple and it is very beautiful and so magnificent to look at. There are over 100 temples around the world with new ones being built soon. We will have a new one built right here in Indiana. It will be built in Indianapolis, IN. The closest one to me is Chicago, IL. I have been to that one, also in Dallas, TX. Just being on the grounds of these beautiful buildings is a blessing in itself. There is such a peaceful feeling that comes over you.
I am not trying to push my religion on anyone and I apologize if it seems that way. But I wanted to share today what my Attitude of Gratitude is for me. This is going to be another trying week for my family as we have 2 family member funerals to go to. Although I know they both are in a better place, it still doesn't change the fact that they will be missed.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week and try and stop and take a look around you to all the many blessing the Lord has provided for us. No matter how small they may seem, its still a blessing. Smile and enjoy life.