
Monday, January 28, 2013

Mother in waiting

Amanda looks so ready to have her son. She just got back from her Doctor appt and she is to be at the hospital at 6a tomorrow 1-29-13 to start the birthing process. They will induce her to get things going since she doesn't seem to be getting there on her own.  The last few days she has been feeling a lot of lower pressure and having lots of the practice contractions.  I am so excited to be able to finally hold my new grandson.  The next post will be of pictures of the newest member of our family.  :)  

This is the wooden letters Amanda painted and the beaded lizards that are hanging in Logan's room.  It doesn't really show that well in this picture, but the walls are a dark chocolate brown and the letters match the turquoise trim.  The lizards are red beads,  multi colored beads and green beads.

These are the two hats I crocheted for Logan. Gotta keep his little head nice and warm.
Logan's crib and the crib skirt I made for it. I made it so that it can be tied up higher and higher on the bed frame as they let the mattress down as he gets older.

Well need to get some things together to take to the hospital with me, make sure camera batteries are charged, phone is charged and reading materials ready.  And the next time I post will be after Logan has arrived. 

Everyone stay safe and healthy.

Friday, January 18, 2013

39 weeks

Just a short post today. My daughter Amanda is 39 weeks along with my 4th grandchild. She is so ready to have her son Logan.  Her belly button is so pushed out I keep telling her that the timer has popped and she is done. She just laughs and says she wishes.  She is getting more and more anxious and nervous but I keep telling her she will be just fine.  We live in a duplex so I am right on the other side of the house and can be there in a moments notice.  I have not strayed to far from home these days just in case.  She has another doctors appt on Tues afternoon so will see what he says if she hasn't had Logan by then.  The last appt last Mon the doctor said she was dilated to 1 so she is on her way.

Come on Logan, Mommy, Daddy and Grandma want to see you.  And of course all your other relatives are waiting also. 

Hopefully the next post will be that he has arrived!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Randi turns 3

Today we had a family get together for my great granddaughter Randi who turns 3 on the 7th.  She is getting to be such a little lady.  She smiles all the time, she is very emotional, gets her feelings hurt pretty easy, tries to make sure she gives me hugs and kisses at least every 30 min or so when she is here and if I am tired,

upset or even faking being upset she is always right there to tell me it will be ok and then she gives me a big hug and kiss and tells me she loves me.   I have always loved spending time with her and she sure loves me and is always wanting to call me when she is not here or wants to spend the night with me.  If we haven't seen each other for a couple days her mother calls me and gives Randi the phone and we chat. She will tell
 me she misses me and that she wants to come spend the day with me.  She is a pretty smart little girls. Of course as her great grandmother I guess you can say I am pretty biased about that.  Randi is really into her play kitchen and all her stuff that goes along with it.  She is always "making" me all sorts of food in her kitchen.  We really do have a lot of fun playing together.  We love to read together, put puzzles together, watch tv together, go shopping, and just sitting here in the recliner covered up with the blanket together. 
She covered her ears when we were singing Happy Birthday to her.  She said we were to loud. LOL  She is such a funny girl.
After she blew out her candles she wanted us to light them again so she could blow them out. She said it was fun and she could blow them out again.
She ate about 4  bites of her cake and a couple of her ice cream because she was ready to open up her presents.  She told everyone to hurry up because she was ready to see what Santa brought her.  I laughed at her and told her Santa already brought her presents a couple weeks ago for Christmas and she told me she knew that but he brought her more, see they were wrapped up over there on the table.  I laughed and figured I wasn't getting anywhere trying to explain this part to her.  Ah she is only 3 so give her time, she will get it.
When it was time for everyone to leave she ask me if she could spend the night with me but I had to tell her no because I was teaching 2 classes at church in the morning and she won't go into the nursery so it would be to hard for me to teach with her there. She said ok then walked over to my sister and said "well can I spend the night with you then?"  My sister had to tell her no because she said she had to work in the morning. Randi put out her bottom lip and said "oh crap"  Funny Funny girl.  I will have her over one night this week I promised her and we would move her toys around and make her play area better for her.  She was satisfied with that.

It always is a wonderful day when I get to spend it with her. She makes me SMILE and always brightens my day.  I do get tired and pretty much rest after she leaves but that's ok .   Now we are just waiting for my the new member of our family to make his appearance here soon.  Logan Charles should make his appearance somewhere around the end of the month.  I can't wait to meet my new grandson :)  

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the weekend where ever you are.