
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard 2011

Well the Blizzard of 2011 is over as far as I know. We survived. Cold and tired from shoveling , but survived. I am grateful we didn't get as much snow as Chicago did but we got enough. I haven't heard of an official amount of snow that we got but guessing from whats in my yard I would say we got a foot of snow on top of the snow we already had. The schools and most businesses were closed yesterday. But then the roads were snow covered and driveways snowed in so you weren't going anywhere anyway. I started shoveling my porch and at least around my car, when my daughter and her boyfriend came out and shoveled for me. It didn't take them long at all and then my car was moved out and the rest of the driveway was cleaned out. It would have taken me a couple hours at least due to I only have one arm that works properly and its hard to pick up the shovel full of snow, so I push the shovel as best I can. I am grateful they did it for me. I have been able to keep up with my driveway so far, but this last snowfall I knew it would be a challenge. I took some pictures before the snow started and then some afterward so that I could see the difference. Not that I want to remember this, but some of my southern friends and family who have not seen snow this at least gives them a perspective and of course a little sympathy :) for what we have.

Here a couple pics I would like to share. One is what it looked like when I tried to open my front door and the other is my driveway after it was shoveled. You can see the snowmounds that
surround me.

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