
Monday, February 4, 2013

Introducing Logan Charles, Emotions and a Rant

Meet Logan Charles, all 7lbs 13oz, 20 1/2in of him. He was born 1-30-13 at 8:08am by c-section to my daughter Amanda and her husband Ed.  This is a picture of him at about 15 min old.  He came out crying loudly and proudly.  He was bright eyed and aware of everything around him, or at least it seemed that way when he was staring at everything around him.
My daughter went in on Tuesday 1-29-13 at 6a to be induced as she was a week overdue and her doctor doesn't usually let his patients go to far past that before going the next step.  Amanda was nervous but strong and I knew she could do it.  They got her all prepped and started the pitosin IV and she was on her way. Nothing really happened major was happening until about 7:30pm when the doctor came in and broke her water. She was dilated to 3 at that time.  She was determined not to take any pain meds or have an epidural. She didn't want to do anything to possibly harm the baby.  Well within 30 min of her water being broke the pains kicked in big time. They were coming fast and strong and only about a min between them.  She hung in there but along about 10pm she was starting to lose her confidence and kept telling me she couldn't do this. I assured her that yes she could.  The nurse asked her if she wanted a pain shot through her IV to see if that would help and she assured her it would not harm the baby.  Amanda decided that OK she needed some help so yes go ahead.  Well other then making her dizzy it didn't help with the pain.  I just kept talking to her and convinced her she was strong and that yes she could do this and the end benefit would be a beautiful son. I knew she was getting discouraged and so exhausted. She was getting so  upset and I knew she was going to just break down.  We talked about it and she decided that she could still be a good mom and get an epidural.  This was done about 11:30pm.  It did give her some relief and she was able to get some rest in-between the contractions.  This was good till about 3am when it seemed that the epidural wore off on her left side. So she was able to really feel the contractions on that side. Although not as bad as she was feeling earlier. The nurse said she was completely dilated and she could push in about another hour or so. She tried her best for about 3hrs and just couldn't do it anymore. She was completely exhausted and didn't have the strength do push anymore.  The doctor came in about 7:30am and they talked about all the options. She could continue as she was doing, they could use the suction but she would still need to push or they could do a c-section.  Amanda did not have anymore strength left so taking the baby was the option that was chosen.  The next thing you knew the room was full of all sorts of nurses getting her prepped.  Ed was at this time totally freaking out as everyone was coming into his wife's room and doing all sorts of things to her. One nurse handed him some scrubs and told him to put them on so he could go into surgery. He totally went pale and said no and handed the scrubs to me and said I was going.  So I guess I had better hurry and put this stuff on.  In a matter of maybe 15 min we were going down the hall to surgery.  They got her all ready then brought me in and I sat by her head and held her hand. She was awake. By 8:08am Logan was born. He was beautiful and as I have been there for every one of my other grandchildrens birth, it was exciting to be in this one also. Albeit in a different manner then the others.

After he was all cleaned up and bathed, I was the first family member to be able to hold him.  Amanda was still in recovery and Ed was out taking a breath and trying to get himself together. He was so freaked out over the whole thing.  The picture of above is Logan looking up at me while I was holding him. He was about 45 min old here.  He is so beautiful and so sweet.

This whole experience is very emotional on anyone. But as a mother myself it is so emotional and painful to see your child in so much pain and you can't do anything for them but to be there right by their side. I held her hand through all the pains she was having. Encouraging her to breath, to squeeze my hand as hard as she needed to. She kept telling me she didn't want to hurt my hands I assured her she wouldn't hurt me at all.  I needed to be strong no matter what I was feeling, so that I could get my daughter to a spot that she needed to be.  I hadn't had any sleep either right along with Amanda but I didn't dare show any signs of exhaustion because I knew she needed me.  I was not that keen on actually going into surgery because I didn't want to possibly pass out myself during that.  But I said a prayer and asked the Lord to give me the strength I needed to be with my daughter and to also be with her and my grandson to bring them both safely through all this.  The overwhelming feeling I received just then, I knew things would be just fine.  It was like I could take on the world. I am so glad I was able to be there for her and be there at the birth. It was an awesome experience to see Logan actually being born.  I watched him come out, but I didn't watch them sew  her all back up. 

Logan has lots of hair just like his mother did. You can't see in this picture but he has hair that hangs over the collar of his pjs.  You can wrap his hair around your fingers its so long.  I laughed and said he would need a haircut before he left the hospital.

Now for a little bit of a rant.  Sorry but I have to get this off my chest. The people who I am talking about won't see this blog but I need to get this off my chest.  I know that people mean well, I know that there were a lot of people who were concerned and wanted to know how Amanda was doing or had Logan arrived.  In this day of technology you can contact people at a moments notice.  We tried to keep people informed via text msgs throughout the labor as best we could.  But there comes a time where enough is enough. I am sorry I couldn't text you back the moment the text came in, I was busy with Amanda. Just because I didn't  text you back doesn't mean you have to try her phone.  We couldn't get back to you as more important things were happening.  Don't keep texting, I heard it the first time, 2nd time, 3rd time etc.  When I finally get a chance to let you know they are taking her to surgery, don't keep texting me and asking me questions. I don't have the answers yet and I had more important things at hand at the moment.  When I tell you not to come to the hospital until I text you back and let you know what is going on, don't just come anyway.  If things were at a point where you needed to be there right then and there I would have let yet you know.   When it was all said and done, Amanda needed to rest, not socialize with everyone.  I know you love her but really take her feelings in to consideration. Not just what you want.

Ok sorry but I needed to get that out.  Things went well, things are fine. Logan is a good baby and oh so sweet.   She came home on Saturday morning.  Ed had to go back to work on Sunday because of Super Bowl (he works for a pizza place)  I stayed home from church to help Amanda with anything she needed.  After she fed him around noon or so, I brought him over to my side of house (we live in a duplex) and that way she could rest.  She took a shower and put her feet up.  She said she didn't really sleep but it felt good to get her feet up.  She is pretty swollen up from surgery and all the IV fluids she was given.  He was here about 3 hrs then it was time to eat.  She is breast feeding so that is something I can't help with.  Even though he slept the whole time he was here, she didn't have to worry about anything but herself.  She said she needed that.  This picture is of him all snug in his cradle at my house.  Just chilling with grandma. 
This is a long post I know and of course lots of pictures of Logan, but I am a proud grandma.  Another grandchild for me to love on.  I LOVE IT!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week and try and stay warm and safe.

1 comment:

Decor To Adore said...

What an absolutely beautiful boy! So glad that your daughter came through ok. She's so lucky to have you!

Have a very Happy Valentine's week!