
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 coming to an end

Well it's New Years Eve already. Seems like this year has flown by. We are ending this year with a warm trend. It was 50 outside today. It rained/thunderstorm most of the morning and I was woken this morning by thunder. But with all this warm weather in the last couple of days it has melted most of the snow in the yard except for the piles. We had a major snow storm on Dec 14 and I posted some pictures of my driveway and vehicle. Here is what it looked like this afternoon. According to the weatherman it is suppose to turn cold over the weekend, so I am sure with all the rain and the melting snow it will be slippery.

I have many things to ponder, be grateful for, will miss and some that I will not miss at all. I have learned many things this past year. Some out of necessity and some just out of trying. I look forward to the new year and am excited as to what it may bring.

I am bringing in the new year with my daughter Amanda, her boyfriend Ed and my great granddaughter Randi. I am going to fix supper for all of us tonight. Making meat loaf, baked potatoes and a mixed vegetable casserole. We have cake for dessert and then shrimp for the midnight celebration. We are creatures of habit. This is something we eat pretty much every new years eve. We lead such an exciting life...NOT. But honestly I don't mind, I love spending time with family.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year. That this new year brings all your wants and dreams to light.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

This wonderful holiday season and being able
to spend it with my family and friends

The family getting together to share a meal,
talking, catching up and playing a game together

Watching the little ones opening their
presents and being so happy
because "that's just what I wanted"

That we didn't get the next wave of
lake effect snow that was
suppose to come on Christmas Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyous Christmas
I know I am looking forward to the new year ahead to see what it brings. I know that in March there will be a new addition to my family. I am looking forward to meeting my new grandson Noah. To watch my son Bryce become a father for the 1st time and even now watching his face light up when he touches Kristal's stomach or when he talks about Noah. I am grateful for the many blessings I have. Yes at times I want to scream, shut myself off or even just go away from family because although I love them with all my heart they sure can bring the drama at times. But they are mine and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything in the world. I am truly BLESSED!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

Making it through this latest winter storm
without any ill effects

My son and my granddaughters boyfriend
shoveling my driveway since I
am not able to do it

Being able to go to church this morning and
feel the warmth and spirit from the
message, many friends there
and seeing all the new babies
there for the 1st time

Spending time with family and friends
this holiday season.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and Merry Christmas. May the Lord bless each and everyone of you and keep you safe.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Randi is walking

My great granddaughter Randi is now walking. She is walking more then she is crawling now. It is so cute and adorable seeing those little legs move. She even tries to run but hasn't quite got that. She loves to pick up things and carry them with her when she is walking. She thinks she is pretty cool now that she can reach things that were once out of her reach. Now the fun begins.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Storm 2010

The midwest got a major snowstorm over the past couple of days. It just kept coming and coming down with no end in sight. Here are just a few pictures of what I had to contend with when it was all over from a 2 day period of it snowing. I think all total we had 26 inches.

LaPorte, IN even made the news on Yahoo. Boy was I surprised when I got on the internet to check my email and there in big bold letters was a story about my hometown and how much snow we got and how people were stranded.
My son and granddaughters boyfriend came and shoveled me out, or at least enough to get me out if I needed to. I didn't go anywhere over these past couple of days. I really hate driving in the snow and always have. You would think I would be used to it since I have lived in this area all my life. But alas I don't think I will ever get used to it.
You can barely see my garbage cans by my back door. But of course I couldn't really open my door anyway because the snow was blocking it. I think I will forgo taking my garbage out this week because I don't think I can get the cans out anyway.On a lighter note and a delightful one, the above picture is of my great granddaughter Randi. She loves taking a bath and is so fascinated by bubbles. She is such a happy baby and it shows. She has my heart that is for sure.

I hope everyone stays warm and safe. I hope everyone remembers all their blessings they have especially in this holiday season.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

I have many things to be grateful for and sometimes
they may be hard to see but doesn't change
the fact that they are there.
Sometimes we just have to sit back
and let the spirit guide us.

A few of the things this past week that I have
been grateful for...

A warm and cozy home with which to be in
when there are so many others that don't

The ability to read what I want
when I want without any

The many great friends I have that think of
me and are there if and when
I need them no matter what
time of day it is.

The ability to learn new things

I hope you all have a wonderful day and to take the time to stop
and "smell the roses" as the old saying goes. You never
know when an opportunity will come knocking and
you need to be open to hear it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

How to make a 3D snowflake

You can use any type of paper you wish. I have used printer paper, stationary, construction paper and even wrapping paper. You can use anything you can cut and fold . You first start out by cutting paper into a square, then with a square piece of paper fold in half then fold in half again. You will need 6 squares to make one snowflake.

With the open folded edge on bottom hold closed folded side at point and make cuts up to an imaginary line approx 1/4 in from edge. Make sure to not cut completely to edge. If you are using a full sheet (8 1/2 x 11) you can make 3-4 cuts depending how much detail you want. If you use any smaller sheets then 3 cuts are the best to do as you don't want the slits to be to small as it will make the snowflake flimsy. I have also made the cuts using my craft scissors. This will give your snowflake many different designs.
After you have made your cuts then open up your square and fold the middle into a tube and tape together. Then turn over square and take next set of cut pieces and fold together and tape, turn over again and repeat till all the pieces are taped together.
This is what your piece should look like when all the pieces are taped together. Repeat will all 6 squares.
Making sure that all the middle tubes are going in same direction, take 3 of the pieces and staple together on one end. Then tape the pieces together on the outside strips of each piece as seen below.
Close up of how I tape pieces together.
Close up of how I staple ends together. Repeat with the other 3 pieces of paper in same manner as 1st 3.
Staple the 2 bunches together making sure the tubes in middle are still going in the same direction as shown above.
This is your end result.It looks like there is a big gap in the middle but there isn't. It's just the way I photographed it. I should have turned it the other way but didn't notice it till after I posted this. I usually put a few pieces of tape folded over a point from where I will be hanging these with some thread. That way the paper doesn't rip and it just gives it a little more reinforcement.

I hope this is an easy to follow directions to make these snowflakes. I did try and video myself making these but I just couldn't get it right. Here is a website that I did find today that shows someone making the snowflakes and another one showing steps. It is a little different in the way they cut the slits and how they hook it all together but you will get the idea. I only use the stapler to hook the groups together as I don't want all those staples showing.

Enjoy and have fun. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to message me and I will do what I can to help. This craft is an easy one for kids of all ages to make. Use your imagination and have FUN.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Holiday Season is upon us NOW

The holidays are upon us and you see it everywhere. You hear the holiday music in the stores, you see all the decorations people have up around their homes, you see it when you are shopping and all the crowds and I see it in my own home. I have tons of decorations for Christmas but I don't put them all up anymore. Mostly because I just don't have the room anymore to do so. But its only me that lives here so I figure I will put up what means the most to me and what will bring me enjoyment. I have a little 4ft tree that I put on a table and that's just fine and especially this year because my great granddaughter is at that age where she gets into everything. So having my tree put up out of her way saves a lot of trouble for me.

I usually put my decorations up around the 1st of December, but this year I put them up on November 13th. It started out with me taking my tree over to my mothers for her to "fluff" it out for me as I just don't have that talent to make it look good. And since she puts up 3 big trees and about 4 smaller ones in her home, fluffing my little one would be a piece of cake for her. When I sat the tree on the table top one thing led to another and next thing I knew my home was decorated. I have enjoyed it very much as I didn't put up any decorations last year due to not being able to since I was still healing and going to physical therapy from when I broke my arm on Sept 1st.

My mother gave me this window shelf as she was getting tired of it. I love it, and I like the way it looks hanging on my wall (although after the holidays I am going to paint it) I had to make some new stockings for the newer members of my immediate family and I love how they look hanging from the shelf. I will be adding another one next year for my new grandson who is due in March and hopefully my daughter Amanda will get pregnant soon and then there will be 2 new grandbabies to spoil.

I love making these paper snowflakes. They are so easy and fun to make. I love how they look inside and out. Hanging the lights behind really make them pretty. Who knew taking 6 pieces of paper and making a few cuts here and there would turn out so cute. I am glad I learned how to make these. Very inexpensive but wonderful decoration. This was just a small glimpse into my home as it is decorated for the holidays. I am happy with how it turned out. I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas. Take the time to enjoy, time to ponder, time to just sit back and relax. Don't sweat the small stuff and be nice to others.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude


Even though I am not crazy about snow
I do love the look of it coming down
lightly and covering things
making it look all clean
and crisp

Feeling that Holiday Spirit
and seeing it everywhere
as I drive around town

Listening to the wonderful singing
of Christmas Carols and other
songs that reflect the
spirit of the season

Thursday, December 2, 2010


This has been an interesting day so far. Not sure what to think of it all. And not sure how this post will go. Might just be a hodge podge of things and emotions.

This morning I took my mother to her doctor appt for her last checkup from when she had a hysterectomy and they found cancer cells in her uterus. This has been a 3yr journey. In the beginning after she had surgery the doctor wanted her to start some treatments in the off chance any of the cancer cells got left behind. She opted not to do the treatments. The doctor tried to convince my sister and I to talk her into these treatments "just in case" Well anyone knowing my mother, you can not talk her into something she is determined not to do. She didn't want all the other "stuff" that comes with those treatments for a "just in case" Well after going for blood work, xrays, etc almost once a month over the last 3yrs, her appt today was her last one. Nothing ever showed up in any of the tests she has had over these years. Which is a good thing and I am very happy that it turned out this way. All the cancer cells were contained in the uterus and when they removed it nothing got out.

Now the flip side of this coin is when we got to the doctors office, my aunt was just getting there. She just got out of Rush Hospital in Chicago on Monday for an infection and fever they could not control. She does have cancer and has fought this for many years now. Not sure of how many years it has been, but I think its been at least 6. She looked really worn out, and oh so frail. My uncle looked totally spent. I can't even imagine. I hugged her and told her I loved her. (this aunt is my fathers only surviving sister along with two other brothers) She got called back to get her blood work and then to see doctor for some treatment. My mother and I had been sitting there maybe 30 min after they went back and my uncle came out looking worse then when he came in. He came to my mother and just broke down. He said the doctor only gives my aunt 2-3 months left. I lost it. I knew this day would come, but still something hard to prepare and comprehend.

I am happy my mother never ended up having cancer and she is now done with all this testing but on the other hand here I am sad about my aunt. All in one short morning you get the good and the bad in all one lump sum. My emotions are all over the place. I continue to keep my aunt and her family in my prayers. And I also try to in my mind process all this. I know I need to put my "big girl panties on" and do what I can, but sometimes I wish I didn't have to be an adult.

Life sure does give you twists and turns in a moments notice that is for sure. In the picture above my mother Betty is in the middle and my Aunt Arlene is to the right (white sweater) and that's her husband, Oren behind her. The other couple is my Uncle Wayne and Aunt Shirley. I am very glad I had the opportunity this summer to have this picture taken. I honestly don't think there will be another time for this to happen.