
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

I have many things to be grateful for and sometimes
they may be hard to see but doesn't change
the fact that they are there.
Sometimes we just have to sit back
and let the spirit guide us.

A few of the things this past week that I have
been grateful for...

A warm and cozy home with which to be in
when there are so many others that don't

The ability to read what I want
when I want without any

The many great friends I have that think of
me and are there if and when
I need them no matter what
time of day it is.

The ability to learn new things

I hope you all have a wonderful day and to take the time to stop
and "smell the roses" as the old saying goes. You never
know when an opportunity will come knocking and
you need to be open to hear it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes we just have to sit back
and let the spirit guide us."
So True.