
Monday, April 15, 2013

My Heart

Recently we got together for some family birthdays. With everyones work schedule it is hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time.  We have a lot of birthdays in the first part of the year. So we were finally able to get together and have lunch and then cake and ice cream for my sister Lisa (3-6), my grandson Noah (3-19), my daughter Amanda (3-23) and my granddaughter Morgyn (4-18). Everyone had a great time and since it is a rare occasion that all my grandchildren are in the same place I wanted a recent picture. 
Noah 2yrs, Kharson 19yrs, Randi 3yrs, Morgyn 21yrs and newest Logan 2 1/2 months. Randi is the great grandchild and her mother is Morgyn.  They are my pride and joy and so much fun to be around. 

Randi had her battery operated car out in the backyard and her and Noah had a blast just driving around. It was so funny watching them just going along without a care in the world.  Noah wasn't to sure of how to steer and ran into the fence numerous times and Randi would just put it in reverse and they would drive backwards. It was such a beautiful day out and we took advantage of it by letting them run around and absorb all that beautiful sunshine.
I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day and if you are fortunate enough to have some nice warm spring weather enjoy. I can't wait for spring weather to actually arrive here in Northwest Indiana!!!