
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Soups, soups and more soups

Well went to my 3rd class required before I can have my surgery. This one was a continuation of last week about what you can and can't eat. These classes have been very informative. Today we talked about being on the liquid diet when we come home from the hospital and just what we can have. Most everything I will be able to eat/drink will be in a liquid form for about a month or so. We were told we can take soups and put them into a blender and blend the heck out of them so that there are no chunks in it. The teacher was telling us the different things she tried after she had her surgery. All I can say is, its a good think I happen to like soups. Because from the sound of it I am going to be doing that alot. I will have to come up with some varieties of my own. The next step will be pureed foods with the consistancy of baby food. The teacher said if you can take a spoon full and turn it upside down and it doesn't fall off then we have the right consitancy. She lived on lots of mashed potatoes. Well here again, that will work for me because I happen to like mashed potatoes. We were given some recipes of things past patients have tried so we have some sort of idea what to fix. Which is a good thing, takes some of the guess work out of when you have to eat this certain type of food, and then wondering what the heck to fix. From what I understand from all this, looks like soup and potatoes are going to become my best friend LOL

Its getting closer and closer for me to have this surgery. I still am nervous but excited. I have to have a mammogram tomorrow, fri. xray, ekg & ultrasound on tues, last class on thur and then bloodwork on fri. On the 28th I go see the doctor and hopefully he will give me a date for my surgery which I am hoping will be week of the 16th in April. I have to be on clear liquids for 2 weeks prior to surgery. Of course by looking at the calendar this does put me on the clear liquid diet over easter. But thats ok, I can eat jello. I like jello. And drink my protein drinks. It will be just perfect because the end result will all be worth it. I am starting to get this picture of myself in my mind of what I will look like when this is all said and done. I haven't been able to before because I have never been a small adult. The last time I can remember myself being small was when I was in elementary school. So to finally let my mind wrap around all this, I am finally able to see into the future so to speak. And its a great thing. I am excited.

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