
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am so READY

I am so ready for spring and warmer weather. I am so ready to open my windows and let in some fresh air. I am so ready to air out the house. I am so ready to put away the heavy winter coats and accessories. I am so ready to not have to scrape off ice/frost off my car. I am so ready to see green grass not this yucky brown/green stuff that's out there now. I am so ready to be able to turn off the furnace. I am so ready to be able to sit outside in the sun. I am so ready for some cookouts. I guess I should just say I am so ready for a change.

I was so over winter way back in December when we got an early snow storm. And the snow kept coming and coming with what looked like no end in site. It seemed I was shoveling, or rather pushing snow daily. Since I broke my left arm back in Sept 2009, I don't have much use of it and so doing even some basic things is really a challenge. So shoveling is a sometimes a major endeavor. I have a daughter and her boyfriend who live on the other half of our duplex, a granddaughter and her boyfriend who live next door to me who could shovel for me but...well lets just say that doesn't happen very often. I also have a son who could come over and shovel for me also but...well that doesn't happen either. Don't get me wrong they all do a lot for me but shoveling is something that seems to be a non priority to them. But I try and do the best I can to get things shoveled so I can get out. It may take me a long time but it gets done and it gets done the way that I want it.

This winter season I have had more colds than I care to count. And they seemed to linger on and on to make it seem and feel like I never really was without one. While I was working full time it was rare that I had a cold, which was odd since everyone around me was always sick. But now that I am home and not around a lot of people except my great granddaughter, I seem to get colds at a drop of a hat. As a matter of fact I have one now. And it is kicking my butt. But I keep plugging along and trying to get things done that I need to.

I was watching my great granddaughter daily while my granddaughter worked, but now that my youngest daughter moved back here from Georgia for awhile, she has been watching her granddaughter, which gives me a break. Randi is 14 months old and on the go all the time and is exploring everything in site and into everything that she can possibly get into. She is a determined little girl. I have been able to get a lot of things done around here that have been put off because of time, sickness and just plain I didn't feel like or have the energy to take care of. Sometimes just doing the daily chores takes up more time then there are hours in the day. I have been able to get a lot accomplished just in this past week. My recycling bucket was way over the top when I took it out last night and I am sure it will be filled up again over the next couple weeks. I also have a big pile of bags to take to goodwill. But I am getting rid of a lot of things which makes me happy. I am not sure who brought all this stuff into my home but it sure wasn't me :) Must be some clutter gremlin running amok in my neighborhood. But I sure wish he would stay out of my home.

I love to read and now that I am home more it would seem I would have time to do more reading. BUT for some reason I can't seem to find the time to just sit down and read. I have a couple books I really want and need to read, one of which needs to go back to the library on the 22nd, but I can't seem to find the time to read. It seems I always have something going on, or I need to be someplace, or someone needs something done, fixed or taken care. I am not complaining about keeping busy but I sure as heck don't know where the time goes. I think that same clutter gremlin must have a sibling called time stealer gremlin because I think he is taking a few hours out of my day.

I am going to be a grandmother again any day now. My son and his fiance are expecting their first child, a boy, any day. She was due on the 11th and so far nothing. She is so ready and he is nervous. But soon my grandson Noah will make his appearance. I can't wait. We had a combined birthday dinner last night for my mother (2-26), my sister (3-6), daughter in law (3-11) and my oldest daughter (3-23). We all kept watching Kristal to see if there were any signs of her going into labor every time she made a face. LOL We told her to hurry up and bring on the baby. She just laughed and said from our lips to Gods ear. She is going to doctor this morning and hopefully he will be giving her some good news. I will be there when she goes into the hospital and I will take my books with me to read while I sit and wait for my grandson to make his appearance. Which will be a good thing all around. I am so excited!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Be safe and worry free in all that you say and do. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Noah, are you done shaking and baking yet?