
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

I have had a wonderful week!!! Randi, my great granddaughter was with me all week and she kept me busy. The little stinker also taught herself how to get out of the portable crib that she sleeps in when she is here. I would put her down, and within maybe 5 minutes she would peek her head out the bedroom door and smile and say "Hi" and the process would start all over again. This grandma will have to figure out something different for the next time she stays with me. We went to some garage sales this past week also and found some good bargains. I found a Power Wheels Kawasaki 4 wheeler. It was in great condition and she loved it. It was only $5 so I could not pass it up. I need to get a charger for it, but that's ok, it will get lots and lots of use I am sure with Randi and then by next summer my grandson Noah will be old enough to ride it.

My daughter Amanda put together a wonderful cookout for me on Saturday for my birthday. The weather was warm but nice. Everyone had a good time. Lots of good food, cake, kids played in the sprinkler, (big ones and little ones), and just lots of good time spent with family. My cousin Dale was able to come by to help in the celebration which was nice.
A couple of my surrogate children/grandchildren could not make it, but that's ok. Ann I am sure had a wonderful time at Lalapalooza in Chicago. And unfortunately Cassie was not here due to her brother being in a motorcycle accident early Sat morning and passed away. My heart goes out to her and her family. I know my granddaughter Morgyn was having a very hard time with this news as Junior was like a brother to her and they all spent a lot of time together. It's hard and you never know what to do to ease the pain. But Please keep them in your prayers.

After a long day of eating, playing and celebrating, this is how the day ended. I think if Randi would have stayed there 5 min more she would have been out. She was such a party girl.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and stays safe. Spend time with family and friends as much as you can. Unfortunately we never know when we won't be able to. Again please keep Cassie and her family in your prayers during this time of loss.

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