
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Church was wonderful this morning. The children sang for Father's Day. There was a wonderful piano solo by the Primary chorister. I love hearing anyone playing the piano and hearing a piano solo just makes me smile. In the class I teach in Primary (Sunbeam class for 3-4yr olds) we made Father's Day cards and put together candy bags for their fathers/father figures. We made shirt/tie cards and we also made one for the Bishop in our Ward. He came into our class about 15 min before it was over and the children gave him his card and candy. He was so happy and told each of the children thank you and that he loved them. They thought that was pretty cool. When each of the parents came to pick up their kids from class the kids handed the cards and candy to the fathers and of course they wanted to know if they could have a piece of candy. LOL I figured that would happen. But all in all I think the kids had a wonderful day today and I know I had fun helping the kids make the cards.

Here is a picture of the card we made for the Bishop. I added my own little hopeful part to the card and that was the little duck diaper pin on the tie. The Bishop and his wife are hoping to adopt a child soon. They should know something in the next couple of weeks or so. I am keeping my fingers crossed for them. They are a wonderful couple.

I have had a wonderful past week and have a lot of things to be grateful for . Spending time with my great granddaughter Randi, spending time with my grandson Noah and his parents Bryce and Kristal, spending time with my daughters Amanda and Angela, spending time with my granddaughter Morgyn and also spending time with my sister and mother. I wish on this Father's Day I could spend time with my father but he is in Heaven. I miss him each and every day.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and takes time to stop and enjoy themselves.

1 comment:

Indianalori said...

I love that card! Well done!