
Monday, March 2, 2009

Seems Like Forever

It seems like I have been away forever from blog land. A lot has been going on around here for me. I went to a week long training for work in Indianapolis last week. It was a very good training. Long but good. It was on mentoring youth after incarceration. I came back with so many things I want to try at work. If I can make a difference in even one child it will be a good thing. There are so many youth out there that have no one to look up to, no one to be an advocate for them, someone they can trust, someone that would be a good role model. I really encourage everyone to find the need in your community and work/mentor some youth. They don't have to be youth that are in trouble with the law. There are some some children that are good kids but they need someone to be there for them because they don't have parents that either can't or don't know how to care and parent the right way. Even an hour a week can make a difference. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. The group that went on this training are hoping to get the judge and probation on board and get a program started here in our community. It will take awhile but the end results will be a better community all around.

Before I went on this training I stopped at my Aunt Phyllis house to see her. This is my dads sister. She has not been doing well and I wanted to see her. She was not doing well and I knew it would be just a matter of time before she left this earth. She told me that it wasn't fun anymore, and that she was tired. She passed away Sat afternoon. She was 80yrs old.I am sad to see her go but I know she is no longer in any pain and she is with her husband again after almost 18yrs to the day of being apart. He was the love of her life. Also a 2nd cousin of my fathers passed away around midnight Sat. And a very good friend of the family is not doing well and I expect to hear from my mother any day now that he has passed. I realize that as I get older so does my family and they can't live forever but it doesn't make it any easier. I realize I am an adult but at times like this I sometimes wish I wasn't. So tomorrow afternoon I will go to 2 different viewings at 2 different funeral homes with the same people as both of these women are from my fathers side of the family. Wednesday is the funeral for both at the same time. I will go to my aunts funeral as I was closer to her. Just not something I want to do. But I will.

While on my training all 5 of us from work had our own seperate suites. They were really nice. I was able to take some crafts with me and that was nice to relax at night. I got a couple of things stitched just need to put them in frames. I need to find more things for Easter to stitch. I love stitching. I want to try some things made from wool also. I think its called pennyrugs. They look so cool. I saw on a blog the other day some really cool Easter eggs that I want to try.

I am contemplating finding a part time job a couple days in the afternoon. I work midnights and usually only sleep till around noon or so. So by working just 3-4hrs in the afternoon will give me a little extra money to pay off some things and I still will be able to get sleep for work in the evening. Will see how that goes. I do have an application in at an eye doctor office. They are only looking for someone 3 days a week for a couple hours and that would be perfect for me. The owner was excited about what I could offer when I spoke with him. I need to call him tomorrow early afternoon. Hopefully that will work out.

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week. I keep hoping spring gets here soon. I am so tired of this cold weather. Take care and be safe.

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